Vedic Maths

Vedic Math is not just a learning program it is collection of techniques for fast calculations which are also called sutras. Vedic Math is one of the ancient and the most effective method to learn math in the easiest way possible. It has plenty of benefits in store for every person willing to master this method. Vedic Maths is just a collection of mathematic tricks. Due to the simplicity and ease of Vedic Math techniques it is gaining popularity worldwide. It offers benefits not only to the students and kids but to anyone who wants to learn maths more easly. It is believed that Vedic Maths is 1700 times faster than conventional method.

Sutra/ techniques of Vedic Mathematics help to solve mathematical arithmetic in easy and faster way. By referring original book of Vedic Mathematic by Tirthaji Maharaj, we are trying to mention the Vedic Mathematic Sutras in a simpler and with step by step approach. We have crafted our books in such a manner which makes Vedic Mathematical tricks easily understandable with lots of examples for each Sutras. These methods will be very useful for the child to crack any competitive exam or to perform any mathematical equitation in a matter of seconds.

Benefits of Vedic Maths

- Difficult problems are solved immediately and easily
- Easy to remember and apply
- It covers all branches of mathematics
- Comparatively faster than conventional/modern methods which saves time
- Cross checking possible due to independent set of checking procedures
- Eradicates fear of math completely
- Improves academic performance
- Increases accuracy and speed of maths solving skills
- Stimulate Right Brain and boosts creativity

Our Abacus learning program is an activity which enhances skills solving arithmetic calculations with entertainment.


Vedic Math is not just a learning program it is collection of techniques for fast calculations which are also called sutras.

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It not only covers your syllabus but also teaches you the tricks to solve your mathematical problems in easy way.



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