Abacus learning is a “Complete Brain Development” program. Abacus is a counting tool with frame, rods and beads. The exact origin of the abacus is still unknown, it is said that first abacus was invented about 2500 years ago. It is widely used in China and Japan but popular worldwide.

Since its invention Abacus has been evolved several times. Today we can see the most advanced and improved version of Abacus. Soroban Abacus which is commonly used was developed by Japanese mathematician Seki Takakazu. It has one bead above the centre bar called upper bead and four beads below centre bar called lower beads.

It helps to develop the right brain of a child and along with that, it can be helpful in the development of one’s inner abilities like concentration, speed, memory, accuracy and learning ability. Kids learning Abacus students are excellent in the accuracy of their minds as compared to kids having same age.

Benefits of Abacus Program

Abacus program on the one hand builds mathematical skills tremendously and on the other hand it is a “Complete Brain Development Program”. It is an answer to all the problems your child faces when his academic pressure increases.

While learning abacus, kids not only learn to do arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on the abacus tool but also develops to do mental calculations. This mental calculation technique is called visualization. In other words child imagine abacus in their mind and perform virtual calculations. This technique improves concentration level and focus for abacus and general studies.

Abacus Learning

- Improves Concentration Level
- Improves Logical Understanding
- Increases Mathematical Proficiency
- Develops Analytical Skills
- Enhances Memory Retention
- Reduces Stress
- Improves Learning Fundamentals
- Boosts Calculation Skills
- Enhances Problem Solving Abilities
- Boosts Self-confidence and Self-esteem
- Improvises Writing and Reading
- Enhances Memory and Creativity

Our Abacus learning program is an activity which enhances skills solving arithmetic calculations with entertainment.

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Vedic Math is not just a learning program it is collection of techniques for fast calculations which are also called sutras.


It not only covers your syllabus but also teaches you the tricks to solve your mathematical problems in easy way.



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