Mrs. Urmila Arvind Porwal

Urmila Porwal

The credit of starting Go Smart – Kids Education initiative goes to Mrs. Urmila Porwal. She is a retired principal of Shorawal Girls Inter Collage, Etawah – Uttar Pradesh. She is known as the best teacher and principal among the students and teachers in her collage. She set new methods and techniques, which were highly appreciated. She always tried to connect old incidents with new atmosphere to make education more useful and meaningful for modern era. The most valuable teaching quality in her was to make boring subjects interesting.

After 42 years of her service in education system she always had a desire to set a new vision for such a system which can create interest in the kids for math. Actually math is supposed to be very boring and difficult subject, so she decided to start a program where kids can learn with interest and entertainment.

As an educator she knows that math is an essential subject and important in every aspect of life. It is her desire to develop love for math in kids. She gives her blessings to all the students of Go Smart – Kids Education.

Our Abacus learning program is an activity which enhances skills solving arithmetic calculations with entertainment.


Vedic Math is not just a learning program it is collection of techniques for fast calculations which are also called sutras.


It not only covers your syllabus but also teaches you the tricks to solve your mathematical problems in easy way.